So, this day had a plan:
– Buy petrol, drive to work.
– Work.
– Home.
– Bank (more financial sorting, there is definite positive monetary direction happening)
– Home, sort paperwork
– Dinner
– Continue to sort paperwork
– Sleep
That *was* plan A. Plan B, which was apparently what the world had in mind was:
– Go out, start car, put foot on clutch, have foot go straight to floor. Panic, briefly, run into the house, grab bike gear, beg and plead bike to start (it does, impressively only on 3rd try; especially given it’s not been ridden for (over 2) months), ride to work.
– Work.
– Get changed, ride bike home
– Home, top up oil on bike.
– Bank (good, but taking longer than expected)
– Home, foof with car for an hour before realising that either (a) a bit of the clutch cable retaining mechanism has gone walkies between here and Place-of-Work or (b) the hole it’s meant to sit in has enlarged slowly, allowing the cable to slide through it.
– Ring garage, arrange for them to collect the car tomorrow (though they can’t look at it ’til friday).
– Scoop up paperwork and attempt to sort it…
– Decide I am owed takeaway by the world, seeing as there’s no food in the house and I now have no car to go and get food in :(