So I tried to persuade my body to let me sleep in this morning; I mean, when I’m with Kathryn I can snuggle up and doze and the morning can slide away. But come 0800 my body work me up and refused to go back to sleep. Refused. By 0930 I was so fed up of lying there that I gave in and got up.
On the plus side yesterday I generated a scene from a 1950’s hacker movie, as I surrounded myself with type 332 phones (I own 3 type 332s of various ages, and a 232 payphone), having reassembled the best one (well, two, but I’ve not set the other one up for modern usage) I’ve got two “good” phones and a spare phone – although I’ll be very impressed if that one works, considering that the electromagnets are furry (with mould; I’ve cleaned them, but it’s come back). Sadly the one that’s “best” doesn’t have the alphanumeric dial; but it certainly sounds good when it rings :)
I have, however, discovered that the HomeHub can’t cope with pulse dial, which sucks. I mean, how hard would it have been to make it support pulse dial?
Never mind eh. I can’t plug it directly in to the BT network ‘cos it’s not ‘approved’ despite being a BT (Well GPO) telephone…
Anyhow, I now need to go sort out the back bedroom – well, actually, I now need to go connect the waterpipe outside, then I shall go tidy the back bedroom. I’m hoping some degree of sorting in there will make it possible to get some stuff out of the front bedroom, which’d be handy.