Well, indirectly. So I went in to be a good little consumer today, and I spent the voucher that the nice patient gave (lots of staff) on my old ward; I now have two new bras which, unlike my other white bras, are actually white; and unlike all my other bras are not yet misshapen strange bits of rag. This was partially prompted by my ‘good’ black bras developing a strange quiff affair at the top of the cup, I’ve tried everything to get rid of this, but it seems permanent.
I also spent the 30 quid that my rather nice old ward gave me before I departed for the shiny Emergency Department. Frustratingly HMV Shoppe was more expensive than HMV Online – but amazingly they had one copy of the Lucky Soul album. Which I relieved them of; and which is sounding very good. I was going to buy Green Wing, but their Green Wing DVDs were also 4 quid more per disk than online. Having accepted the 3 quid extra for the CD I was a little loathe to do that; and it would have meant I couldn’t afford the whole series. But there, lurking on the sale shelf was Black Books, Series 1-3; which is now mine. Quite a haul really.
I then attempted, well, I’d attempted before without success, but I then attempted (after my purchases) to give my books which have been (hand) picked for disposal to a charity shop. Any charity shop (within limits). But I couldn’t find any that were reachable by car. Or more accurately after touring incessantly, I found one, which I couldn’t stop anywhere near.
So the books are still in the back of my car.
I’m hoping that when I go food shopping the shoppe will be less busy (a bit of a faint hope, really). This shopping however has put me in mind of what I watched yesterday; The End of Suburbia. It discusses what’ll happen to suburbia when we hit and pass ‘peak oil’; which either is soon or has happened, depending on who you ask.
At any rate, it’s fairly much a warning of what is coming. But one thing which interests me is that people don’t really get how much of a change will occur. And a lot of EV people seem not to have realised that plastic’s going to be hard to get hold of when the oil’s run out. It’s all very well saying we’ll build our EV’s out of lightweight plastic; but…. What when there’s no plastic. I do wonder about our society and what’ll happen when we no longer have cheap plastic, cheap goods, when the medicines start to run out (how many of these things are derived from oil?). The End of Suburbia also raised various interesting questions about power generation. I’m intrigued to know who’s right though; they reckon biofuels are not likely to be a successful widespread solution, and I’d been kinda seduced by this Google techtalk on E85. So.. Mmm.
Anyway, makes you think. Or makes me think. I’d always intended that wherever I settle down would be more environmentally friendly than this place; if it’s a build it yourself place then all limecrete and such; and with wind/solar generation (solar water heating, particularly). But yes, anyway, so I’ve been left thoughtful.