I agreed to do a third night. Why did I agree to do a third night? Anyone? Oh. Yeah. Money.
Someone rang in sick this morning just as I was about to leave; and my ward’s temporary manager looked pleadingly at me and said ‘Would you like to do a bank night tonight? No pressure….’. I am *so* fracking tired. I didn’t get home ’til past 9, ‘cos I went to occy health today to get my occy health letter.
And I did sleep, despite the builders buildering. The floor is now going back down in the back room, which is most cool. They’ve also dug a hole for the soil pipe. I’ve been good today, too. I’ve got quotes for getting the bath I want re-enamelled. Well, spray enamelled. I can’t afford proper vitreous glass baking re-enamelling. That being quite pricey. But spray enamel seems to be ‘okay’ and it’s not like I use the bath a lot, so hey. Let’s see how that goes.
I’ve also ordered the bits to service Brick. I need to get a bunch of crimp / solder connectors (and a crimping too) and see if I can’t find the cause of the unbalasted side of the circuit’s failure. Jump-leads under the bonnet to start are very effective, but also tedious.
Uh, I still need to ring about the Enfield. I’ve moved ringing NHSP and saying I’m moving my jobishness to another place of employ until tomorrow. My head currently feels like it’s filled with small pointy things which are occasionally attempting to stick out the front of it. Oh, and I need to e-mail the Viva person with a Viva e-mail about windscreeny changey, making the bloody thing seal-y goodness.
Anyhow, in the name of something to distract you all go look at this, and then find me somewhere where it’s showing that I can get to.