I have 5 things to do this morning, well, 6 since one got split into two separate tasks by me forgetting to do part of it. Of these 2 require speaking to other people on a telephonic device. Both of these people appear to have answerphones. Answerphones which are on whenever I ring – my timing must suck. *whimpers*.
And no one’s online to tolerate my whining. It’s no good at all really.
I can’t concentrate on anything, I’m trying to organise extra work through NHS-P, who’s onsite person never returns my calls (seriously I’ve made about 10 and left messages most times and I *never* get called back), and I’m also trying to organise an ‘informal visit’ to St Fred’s Hospital for the Clinically Unwell where my interview is – made harder by the fact I’m working all the days between now and then.
I had more to say, but it’s wandered off somewhere. Oh, yes, I may be able to do my bathroom rather cheaper than I thought – which is double-plus good really. Uh, yeah. ‘s all.