I can’t remember how many days I’ve been sick for. I think 4. It’s got kind of blurry, the haze of lots of sleep, lots of TV, lots of web browsing, and lots of pain killers, anti-emetic and anti-biotics have got me feeling really quite tired, lost and fed up.
I don’t really ‘do’ ill. I am ill, but I have a hard time accepting that – until I try and do anything – at which point it’s become rapidly apparent that I’m not in great shape.
I think it’s the antibiotics making me sick now; my throat feels raw – but not as bad as this morning when I could barely swallow. It was another bad night – once of the waking up drenched in sweat ones, I’ve not had the fan heater on in that room, and I know it’s cold in there, but I feel like I’ve been sat next to the sun for a few too many hours.
Anyway, just to let you know I’m still alive :-)
I am not, however, enjoying my holiday :(