Another quick house update

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Yeah, no pics today… I finally made some more progress on the house; much of today was spent doing the hunt for where I hid things before the party. Tools and so on are all lurking randomly around the house – and finding them again has taken a while, and suprisingly I’ve not ended up ranting about it.

Mostly I think because the early part of the afternoon was spent with the sparkly hazy stars around my vision from serious pain from my left foot. I’ve done whatever I’ve done to it before, and normally it goes away again just as quickly as it appeared. But the whole day today has been a bit sore – it just started hurting yesterday and I probably should have rested it a bit more – but, uh, didn’t.

Anyway, the stairs are now painted – top to bottom, I’m quite pleased really. It mostly needs another coat (what with this being the first colour coat), which I’m not hugely looking forward to doing – mostly because it took quite a long time and I was really quite tired after doing it. On the plus side it looks like the colour combination works well, and the lamp is gorgeous up on the wall. For once the Lath/plaster worked well for me – because I didn’t have to try and attach the lamp to plasterboard; I just went for screwing it into the lath. Which I’m sure is dubious, but I suspect works better’n trying to use rawl-plugs on lath/plaster.
I also fed the wire up into the loft – I need to get some neat sort of wire clips to hold it to the wall, and a junction box to go in the roofspace, and some lighting-circuit-rated-cable.

Incidentally, my foot still hurts.

Yeah, there was a brief moment of panic – while I was trying to work out where the internal bizzaroid wall went, and thinking that I may have put my wiring through into the neighbour’s roofspace, but it just proved my 3D thinking was lacking. So anyway, the light’s there and ready for the picture…
…the picture that’s going to go on that end wall – It’s an abandoned places print and I think it’ll look just gorgeous there. I don’t want to over do it on artwork on the stairs, but there’s a few prints I want to put up in there. We’ll see. I also want to put up the ones in the lounge…

So, in other exciting news I’ve been trying to catch up on paperwork, oh and my Dyson’s stopped sucking. Or started sucking. Depending on how you’re using the term. At any rate, I need to find my torx-drivers, which I assume are at my mum’s so I can get the bloody thing apart and find out why it’s no longer sucking up dirt. It’d not be quite such a problem, but I’ve still not found hoover bags for the Goblin, and I’m not sure how long the tape that’s holding that hoover bag together is going to last ;-/

One day I’ll stop bodging things…. but not today, eh.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.