And another request arrives…

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So, having performed a surgical mould extraction on Brick, well, some of a surgical mould extraction I came in and was confronted by Nikki, who complained that there was only one photo of the new car online.

Anyway, so I found the rust that I suspected was lurking. It’ll need fixing before the MOT, and is slightly annoying because it is just a few inches further along than I got as far as checking when I bought ‘im.

It’s probably about a 6″ square area that *needs* replacement, and maybe 6″x8″ that it’s desireable to do. The non-surface rust seems fairly localised – and it’s clearly been damaged by some twonk allowing water to get in through the failed windscreen rubbers – and to sit in the soundproofing – keeping that metalwork wet. I’ve yanked a load of sodden soundproofing and slung it. I suspect I should really get the seat out and have a look there for wetness, but I’ve checked the rear footwells, and they’re dry (thankfully).

So, yeah. It’ll have to be in the not too distant future, and it’s kinda something I expected to find. I’m not even deeply peeved, just slightly tired, and frustrated at losing more money that should be going on Rebecca.

I also discovered that the other wing mirror which I presumed was complete isn’t. So I’ve got a very low bid on a pair of replacement ones from e-bay, because having only one wing mirror does drive me nuts. Anyway, here’s the (many and unexciting) shots of Brick.

In other news, my mum headed off to Switzerland today – I ran her down to the airport this morning; I’m really nervous about her going – she’s not been abroad on her own for, well, a long time. We got to the airport and it was all automated check-ins, which I think unnerved her a little. She’s not good with IT. Anyway, that navigated I took her suitcases and she checked her baggage – I’m also worried about her having to move those heavy cases.


But she is insanely independent – I guess I know something about that! Anyway, she’s over there for ages; she wanted me to sign her Life Insurance before going (!), but kind of thankfully we couldn’t really get it witnessed, what with it being 10pm. Somehow, it makes me feel less worried about her which is silly I know, but it freaks me out when she does stuff like that. I worry that she might do something silly, or uncaring. I dunno.

So yes, that trip to the airport though, after driving so much yesterday in vibrato-mog left me feeling somewhat drained. So I slept. And then got very confused about what day it was and which day I’d been up to see Kathryn and when I was next in work, and what I was meant to do today.

After an exceptionally slow morning, a large chunk of which I slept through I got out and did Brick, the washing up, and sorted out a bit of recycling – and I finally got around to connecting up the CD player (waves thanks for CD at Kathryn). It appears that I’m down one socket – or more accurately I need another extension lead (!). It’s the lights that did it, they’ve taken up two sockets…
In other news, my homehub still isn’t working properly. I’ve not heard from BT. They have ’til the end of the day to reply to the official complaint I sent them (that’ll be 2 working days) and then I start hunting for a different supplier.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.