I) I’d forgotten how much nicer the Macinhac is to use. I’d forgotten how shiny MacOS is (anyone want to buy me a Mac Laptop? Anyone? No? *tumbleweed*). I’d forgotten how much nicer the display is. I’d also forgotten how slow the screen update is on the Macinhac (anyone want to buy me a big, powerful video editing Mac? Anyone? No? Darn).
II) I’ve discovered how utterly awful the ringtones on the BT Homehub are. It’d been bugging me for a while that the ringtone on the phone was irritating, but I’d not realised that it doesn’t have the simplest, most basic ring tone of them all. ‘Ring ring’, or even a US/Canadian stye Riiiiiing. No, it’s got irritating polyphonic ringtones that sound awful. *sighs*
III) And finally, I’d forgotten that I got tagged by nagrom523Â to do the ten random things meme. And believe me, it’s 2229 here, and I’m feeling pretty random just before bed. So here goes…
1) When I was about 6 or 7 I fell off my bike after some bullying by older kids. It was a bluebird bike, small front wheel, bigger back wheel – a bit like a chopper but without the cool factor. Anyway, it traumatised me for ages (well, traumatised might be too bigger word…), but at any rate, it took me years to get back on to a bike.
2) My sister was born in London, in a big teaching hospital? Me, in a hospital in Watford. Not even the faintly interesting ‘War Memorial Hospital’ which was knocked down when I was young (and is a chunk of my interest in abanoned places, I’m sure); oh no. Watford bloody General. Sister, teaching hospital in London, me Watford General. Humph.
3) I have sworn that one day I shall own a purple landrover; sign written on the side shall be my Whipem’ Down Garage logo. Why? It’s a homage to my dad’s two favourite colours, and his allowance of my tomboy tendancies.
4) I own a laserdisk player, and laserdisks. Seriously.
5) When I was young I used to claim that blue was my favourite colour, this distingushed me from the other girls. It was a lie. Purple is, and probably always will be my favourite colour. Sadly, purple does not suit my complection. Green, however does. Green is *not* my favourite colour.
6) I need sleep. Like 6 hours a night. If I don’t get it I get weird, and tired, and often a bit miserable. Despite this, I hate sleeping. I’ve always hated it, I imagine that I’m going to miss something. Something, somewhere of vast importance will happen and I’ll be asleep. How crap will that be? Hence I sleep far less than I should.
7) I watch very little TV, as in TV that is scheduled and shown either on cable or on satellite, or terrestrial. This is because advertisers have broken the golden rules of advertising; they give us nothing back for watching their inane, irritating, self congratulatory drivel. That and I think it’s mostly crap. Instead I pick what I want to watch based on recommendations from friends. I do not watch any long running soaps / dramas… as yet.
8) I often wonder whether the alternate universes / all possibilities played out thing is right. And quite often I sit and think, my god, if it is, an infinite number of me’s have died. And when things happen; like my near misses on the bike, I can sometimes almost feel the universe splitting in two; there’s a me that’s survived, and a me that’s died. Of course, the infinity of other possibilities at that moment should also be represented. I spend too much time pondering my own mortality. I blame my dad.
9) I am no longer a closet green. I am an ineffective out in the open green. On the positive front I do attempt to reduce my impact on the environment; my house is filled with bio-detergents and cleaners, bio washing up liquid, organically farmed tea, recycled boxes, energy saving lights. All this is somewhat of a waste however, when you consider I commute 20 miles to work each way, in a car which whilst it won the green apple environmental award, still burns petrol; and I do tend to leave my PC’s on. Odd, nothing else stays on standby, but I still recall the time when harddisks came with years and years of warranty if left on, and 1 year if switched on and off…
10) I carry the AA key my dad gave me when I was tiny small on my car’s keyring. It’s for luck. I need it sometimes.