I’m in Canada!

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I tried to think of a more ‘sensible’ title to this, but frankly, that expresses it all. I am in Canada… Specifically, right at this moment I’m sat in Rochelle’s lounge, at her dining table, eating some of the food she left for me…

I’ve nipped out to the store once, but I’ll probably repeat it now I’m more aware of how to get back her place. And I now know that Rochelle’s not going to be back in time for dinner (which I thought) so I’ll be cooking for myself.

Mostly though, today is set aside for Not-doing-much-at all. I’ve got a Toronto guidebook I picked up at the airport to nose through and that’s about it. I might nip out and take some photos too.

Just to prove I’m here like.

So yeah, Nikki drove me to Cardiff airport, which it turns out is a bit of a dive really. Bristol – imho – is small, but quite pleasant. It’s light and airy. Has a few shops and cafe’s and fast food places, and it’s clean. Cardiff felt small, cramped and dark. The toilets were largely broken or vandalised, or just plain grotty – and yeah, it just wasn’t very nice.

Still, the massively cheaper flights made it worth it. Zoom – Sadly – does not provide a Flight/Auto socket in Super-basic-el-cheapo class, so all that work with the power adaptor was for naught. Still, the new battery meant I at least got to watch a couple of episodes of Life on Mars and read some Megatokyo before it all went a bit flat.

What was odd was that I sat on the flight and an older woman sat down next to me… She… is an ex nurse. She trained in the UK and then moved to Canada and practiced there until she retired. How freaky is that? Didja want anymore in the way of coincidence?

So, yeah, we had a good old natter on the plane. After landing I got interrogated. I think that’s the best word for it. Politely. Really politely (incidentally, what’s with all the cute dykey looking customs staff?) – yeah, so I stood there and answered what I can only call a *lot* of questions. Mostly about jobs, my life, what’s going on with my house / home life (‘cos it all got a bit complicated). Then as many questions as I could answer about Rochelle. Then about how long I was staying… it went on. The guy was really polite the whole time, friendly, cheerful. But incredibly thorough.

It’s funny, ‘cos security wise – I had a relaxed trip. Not like visiting the USA where they only just stopped short of x-raying me – and then asked me a few questions. No, here the security was non-existant, but the questions… To give you an idea, by the time I got to the baggage reclaim my flight was no-longer listed. My case was stood, looking rather sorry for itself, half way down the hall. Still, I was just glad to get into the Taxi and then into Rochelles, and then into bed.

Today I’ve not-quite been to Canadian tire. I did look at it, and I’ll probably wander in in-a-bit. I’m not obsessed, but their website just appears to contain *everything ever* – so I’m intrigued to see the store.

One of the things thats struck me about Canada (apart from the large amount of dual language stuff) is how much like home it feels. Alaska felt very different, although I was comfortable there – and love it loads, it felt very different to the UK. Canada, it looks very different – and is very different, but there’s some subtle ways in which it *feels* quite similar. It’s hard to explain. Listening to CBC Radio 1 – reminded me of Radio 4; and the Commercials remind me more of British than US commercials. And the supermarket – although it looks like it has more in common with it’s US counterparts, the contents was much more like the stuff you see in Europe. It’s interesting. It’s interesting what it shares with it’s neighbour, what it shares with Europe, and what is entirely Canada alone. Mmm. I must explore more :-)

That and my laptop’s batteries are starting to run out of umph…


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.