39 hours / 3 hours sleep

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Yesterday and the day before blur together into one long and confused mass of a day. That’s because at Awake+10 hours I started my night shift, finishing at Awake+22 hours. By Awake+23 hours I was at home, breakfasted and helping load the van with Lauren’s stuff.

At awake+25 hours I went to sleep, in the van, very uncomfortably. Tip for people; don’t try and sleep in a Merc Sprinter van, the seats are entirely the wrong shape. When we hit huntingdon we unloaded human-chain fashion. Nikki moving boxes to the back of the van and us three loading them into Lauren and Chrissy’s house. To say their lounge was full is an understatement. When we left you couldn’t reach the stairs. As I climbed into the front seat of the van my body felt beaten and tired.

We drove back. At awake+32 hours I got home, unloaded the chair that Chrissy wanted disposed of due to lack of space – and started tidying. At awake +36 hours I had a habitable lounge, my hifi set up, the floor hoovered, the Laserdisk / PC / Cable box all connected up. I had the PC in my office reconnected, scarily sans firewall. I snuggled down in the chair and chatted to James. I finally went to bed at 1am, 39 hours after I first woke up – and slept ’til 12:30 today. I’m on a night shift again, so I’m going to take it a bit gently today – but I do need to go clean the kitchen and try and rid the house of some of the dust. I can’t breathe through my nose – the allergy to dust isn’t that bad most of the time, but at the moment it’s rough – but I can actually *smell* the disturbed dust – which is never good.

The square under the TV stand is one of the worst in the lounge – it’s never been moved in all the time we were here – last night I moved it around as much as I could – so it’s now a thin triangle of dust I can’t reach. I did manage to clean most of the areas under the bookcases periodically, but you can still see where I hadn’t for a while.

Of course, my mum said “I could come and visit…” which would be great, but for the slight fact I’ve still not told her about the guitar…

Anyway, first thing I clicked on on the Interweb: Banksy’s Warehouse Show in LA. Enjoy.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.