Me and MZ Clutches

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We have a history me and MZ Clutches. On my 125 I managed to snap the clutch bolts and destroy a clutch basket. I think about the third attempt I managed to actually assemble a clutch that worked. Not well, but it worked. I’ve tried several times on the 125s since and I think maybe succeeded once?

So when I looked at the clutch on the 251 I thought ‘do I need to do this’? And thought, well, I’ve bought the parts, Dave’s lent me a clutch compressor bolt, I may as well. This was what we term ‘a mistake’. Disassembly went perfectly, I was left with a clutch in pieces. I carefully reassembled with new plates, alligned everything, turned it over and placed the six springs in the wrong place. After about an hour of cursing and a loud ‘crack’ when attempting to tighten things up it became apparent that I was a complete and total moron. It’s blindingly obvious – if you open your eyes and look at the thing, that the springs did *not* go where I’d put them.

So, I took it apart, undid my stupiditiy and put it all back aligned right this time and started tightening the compressor bolt – with the little nuts all ready to go back on. The small crack in the pressure plate that had been there at the start of disassembly worried me, but I studiously ignored it.

However, as I neared the point of putting the six dinky little nuts on that hold it all compressed, I looked and thought ‘it doesn’t look right – the clutch plates haven’t been drawn together tightly’; with that crack on the pressure plate I was particularly wary about using the nuts to tighten it up – ‘cos it might be uneven, so I gave another tweak to the compression bolt.



The pressure plate bearing and the pressure plate parted company… the alloy that held the bearing fracturing (I’d probably damaged it when I’d attempted to assemble the clutch wrong). I rarely reach the point of crying over frustration, but today it was just a bit much. I’m so close to having my bike back, I’d paid for new pressure plates, I owe Dave postage and whatnot for the new bits, and I really felt like a fucking idiot. I was *so* angry at myself for not taking care when I’d put it back together in the first place.

Dumb, dumb, dumb. I’m meant to be good with mechanical stuff. Scratch that, I *am* good with Mechanical stuff, but sometimes I can still be mindblowingly stupid.

It’s also rare that I give up on something, but I decided I was just sick of it. I just ordered, from burwin, a complete – assembled – new clutch. Next time I’ll know how to do it, but this time I just can’t face it again.

In other news Aisling is visiting. I’ll write about that *after* the weekend.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.