ISKT – Or International Standard Kate Time. Because of my job (and it’s shiftyness) and because of my brain working the way it does, I find it ‘convenient’ to tell my body what time it is – not by any standard means of telling the time, but instead by what time I need it to be. So, it’s currently 10am ISKT. That’s because I’m working a night tonight, so despite the fact my little clock says 1400 It’s clearly 10 am. Otherwise the fact I’ve had breakfast just a little while ago and am currently sucking down a morning cup of coffee would make no sense at all.
So yeah, I’m still on the Dark Angel kick – I’ve just started Season 2 – which is very cool indeed. I will probably toddle out and put another coat of paint on Pirate Charlie who is beginning to look really, really, quite pink. I need to get some clear top-coat to put over the pink – which I’ve noticed is not has hardy as some other paints. Still, at least I’m not going for your high-quality-top-end-shiny finish, otherwise I might have been disappointed. I am getting through paint at a frightening rate though, and the pink is very…transparent. After 3 coats you can still see the patches where I’d sanded through the white top-coat to the darker undercoat on the petrol tank. Which is slighly meh. Still, I’m mostly doing this… well, because I’m strange, really. I’m mostly doing it as a bit of fun; so really I’m not desparately worried about the perfect paint finish.
Otherwise this week continues to continue. I’ve ordered the new bits for my PC – apart from the fracking new processor fan (sieve like memory, me); so I’ll have to go pick that up next week. Hopefully we should be back having an all-systems-functioning environment shortly. Well, at least some of them. I guess I should try and get the Athlon XP back up and running too – since it’d make a good DVD player…
I also need to learn all about shiny shiny endocrinology. And most importantly go and find a house – well, after I’ve got some written “you’ve got a job”. It’s all getting a bit, well, scary. I’ve got just over a month to find a house, and still no written confirmation (beyond the e-mail which has no start date, no anything really) of my job. Gaaaah.