Darn weather

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So, it just looks changeable enough that I don’t fancy taking the bike (Pirate Charlie) out and sanding it (nothing to do with me just being a lazy cow then?); so I’m sat listening to Seanan McGuire’s CD again. I love getting new music – and I am weird enough that I particularly like it when it feels like it’s something that other people don’t know about. I guess I just like introducing people to new stuff, which often isn’t that hard for me – ‘cos I have such wide tastes that quite a lot of the time I join the dots between other peoples musical tastes.

Anyway, there’s a big ‘ol review of it here (the CD that is, not my musical tastes). Sufffice to say it’s currently top of my playlist – and seems to be holding it’s own nicely.

My plan was simple, incidentally. I will, I thought, put my Athlon XP together again, put up with the phenominal noisyness of it, and install *an operating system* on it. I’d not quite decided anyway – and then I realised that my cunning plan of giving away all my 17″ monitors was great – it’s cleared lots of space… except. Well. Now I don’t have any remotely movable monitors. I *can* lift the 19″ monitors, but it’s not a whole big bundle of fun. And the idea of lugging one downstairs to install an OS and then back upstairs when I’m done with it, well, it doesn’t fill me with joy. But there’s no room upstairs to put a computer because it’s filled with a half disassembled computer. So I guess I’ll leave that one for today.

Perhaps I should just flog off the board and processor.


I need less crap.

So I just spent half an hour chatting to Kate about Mortgages; isn’t that scary? Me. With a Mortgage. And a house. No, seriously, it’s something which looks likely to happen. I just need proof I’ve got a job and then I shall be buying a house, I hope.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.