So, I was having a really nice day. No, seriously, I was all chilled out all ready to post a chilled out happy post. See, I’ve spent the day working on my bike, I love working with my hands, and being able to work on my bike without the pressure of “I NEED THIS DONE” meant I could relax and take it slow. I’ve changed the rather worn out top-end-bearing, although having had a feel I think the bottom end might not be 100% great. I’ve popped the new chain on (a manky job that was) and replaced the speedo drive. I’ve reconnected the speedo cable – and stripped down / removed the left hand clutch cover.
And the nice bit? When I got tired I stopped. I popped my tools away, and made sure everything was together enough that I’d not lose track of screws, and t’da, it was done. It’s really nice to do that. However, the sheen of the goodness of my mood was removed by the generous freecycler who decided to help save the environment by saving – the petrol I’d’ve used to go to my friend’s house for lunch, the petrol I’d’ve used taking her down to town, the energy that would have been wasted sending an e-mail to say he wasn’t coming, or ringing. His generousity is quite incredible. He has until the end of the day to mail me and explain his absence before I offer the projector to someone else. Someone… reliable.
And then the sheen fell right off when I got the message saying that Scan had ‘tested’ my motherboard and it was fine. Uh hu. Yeah. So I rang them and said “test it a bit harder”. Which they said they would, but I can just see it coming back to me being just as faulty as it was the day it left. Ah well, I’m going to find my dress (for work tomorrow) and head outwards to the land of the Nikki.