And then….

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So, I have ‘finished’ one. I’ve written it, failed it, re-written it, been told it’s a piece of crap that won’t pass, rewritten it, proofed it, rewritten it, proofed it *again* and attached it to an e-mail I can’t send ‘cos my mail server appears to be down. I hope it’s back up by this evening, ‘cos the details of where I’m meant to pick up people for the ball tomorrow are on there.

I took a break for an hour, cleaning out the crap that’s accumulated in my car, covering the seats with the gowns my dad wore when he was sick (not, oddly, when he was dying – because he was back in teeshirts in the main then; I suspect the ‘hospital’ nature of gowns was not what he wanted or needed) – vinyl seats in summer are hideous. Of course, having “HEALTHTEX” splattered over the seats is possibly a little disconcerting for some. I think I might get them recovered in something else at some point.

I want them to look right though.

Anyhow, so, I also re-re-readjusted the points; modern parts being phenominally crap, they’d worn closed *again*. Given I did them less than 2000 miles ago, it’s a bit pathetic. They’re meant to last 6k. Perhaps it is time for an optical ignition unit :-/

Anyway, having got the car running smoothly again (it’d started to be hesitant under load, a classic sign of points closing – at least, on my car) and the interior clean, I headed back inside and started to debate ideas about the next essay. Problem is I’m all essayed out. Problem other is that I need to get it finished today so I can hand it in – because I’ve pinched all my days off for interviews; not that I’m complaining about interviews, not at all, not even slightly. What I need, however, is more time off.

So, yeah, I need to do my essays but I am very bored of them, very bored. I may take a break for dinner and then start again.

Tomorrow I shall have to stop at Mastershoe and try to get some funky shoes for the wearing to the ball; annoyingly I’ve not got time to get my eyebrows done (anyone I know in Bristol fancy doing my eyebrows before I go, I’m too paranoid to try and shape them though I may give them a bit of a desparation based tidy – either that or know of a good but not-too-busy beauty salon open on a Sunday?)
I have far too much life sometimes. Most of the time, not enough, but far too much life.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.