Thing the first – I have a badge; this goes on my police woman’s hat, thus making it look that bit more authentic. I need some black felt too, I think, but rarrr. Ultra-special raar because it’s a St. Petersburg Police badge, thus unlikely to be mistaken for the Met Police (although, dubiously, I note that you can buy police hatbadges for most UK policeforces on e-bay).
Thing the second – with careful arrangement the letters P, O, L, I, C and E fit onto a sheet of A4 twice, even when the letters are 3 inches high by two and a chunk inches wide. This is good. This means that by purchasing some inkjet-cling-white-magnetic paper, Rebecca can proclaim POLICE on the boot, the doors, and the bonnet (oh, and on a roofsign, did I mention that?) and look most police-like. I can also *try* and print it (although I may have to get Nikki to do so ‘cos I think it’s straight-through-paper-path stuff which won’t go through my HP very well) with stuff wot says ‘Whipem Down Police Dept’ and “Whipping Criminals Into Shape” or whatever (and also MMLGBT – Morris Minor LGBT Group) so that people know who were are :-)
See the ultracool?
Thing the Third – It’s a gorgeous day, made more gorgeous by the fact that instead of saying “Kellaway (lying & theiving) Motorcycles Incorporated” on the number plate (tempting though), it now says ‘MZ – Es ist eine Lesbiche Sache’ (although spelt correctly, which that probably isn’t). Raaar.
Thing the fourth – I’ve added a huge chunk to C3 of my dissertation, and am going to make some tea before continuing. This is goodness.
ETA: Thing the fifth – the house in Brum that looks *perfect* for me is still available; it disappeared for a while but it’s come back. Now I just need a job there. This is *DEFINATELY* goodness
Tinned goodness of a good variety.