So I spent the morning working on my dissertation. Well, a hour or two of the morning and I’ve finished (well, first generation finished) section 3.1; this means 1/3rd of chapter 3 is done. So, the list goes thus:
Abstract – N
Introduction – Y
Methodology – Y
Critical Review – 1/3rd
Conclusions (2k words) – N
That makes me feel lots better. Hopefully I won’t be too exhausted tomorrow to do more. I’m cooking rhubarb crumble on Tuesday (I’m on an Early) assuming I’ve not collapsed through exhaustion so if anyone wants any then just gimmie a shout… but I really am exhausted.
I shouldn’t have gone out last night but Lizbuf tempted me with Dr Who and Chinese Takeaway; and also the fact that I love a challenge and getting showered, dressed and to her house in a maximum of 50 minutes sounded fun *grins*. I’d actually declared that I was too tired, and too poor to go to the cinema… so, err, I wasn’t shunning my other friends… I really wasn’t. *grins more*. I also managed to take my housemate’s phone with me, rather than mine. This is because we have the same phone. Exactly the same phone. This is unfortunate; especially as it was my only means of getting home should Cherry have broken, because I’d not even remembered the spare spark plug / spanner. Impressive huh.
I’d also forgotten what it’s like visiting people when wearing bike gear. Unlike in the movies, if you want to stay alive after riding through a city you need to wear decent bike gear – with armour in – and so I turn up looking like the michelin man. Also unlike in the movies there isn’t a break between me taking my helmet off and the next shot of me, and the helmet fits, thus when I take it off my hair looks like shite. Always the best way to meet new people :-)
Never mind eh, it was really good to get out, be sociable and meet new and shiny people; just a shame I had to bugger off so soon after Itm, sorry, Tim arrived, but having been up since 5:30…
We seemed to spend most of the evening laughing and a disconcerting period of the evening talking about skunkies (don’t ask, okay?); Liz tried to explain who everyone is in CSI:something, which, incidentally is a very confusing show to half-watch when you don’t know the characters… as a result of which, I still have no idea who everyone is. It appeared to involve dead people, which I understand is a prerequisite for Liz :-)
Liz also introduced me to a takeaway which had an entertainingly different take on the traditional ‘lemon chicken’. More, chicken with thick lemon-squash than lemon chicken as such. It was okay…but I’d not repeat the experience… and couldn’t exactly recommend it. Oooh, oooh, and the gay blokes on the cakes… if I’d’ve had my camera with me you could all share the tale of sorrow of the woman who either got married to or discovered after the wedding that her bloke was gay, and then on another cake you see him marrying his partner. Clearly a cake shop to be reckoned with.
So yes, a good night. But now I’m tired. And I’ve got to go to work. At least, tomorrow is a late too, so I can maybe have a bit of a lie in…
I’ve also learned that I am to be the only one dressed like a cheap harlot in a basque when we go to Rocky Horror; fortunately I’m used to this sort of situation (does that sound bad?) and also have no shame, so I don’t mind wandering round london like that. I just hope it’s cool enough (hah) that I can wear some sort of coat. Last time I had to walk any great distance before Rocky Horror I wore a friend’s fleece – and had time to break in the heels. This time I need to go buy boots (perhaps I’ll do that t’morrow) and attempt to break them in before Saturday. Oh, and I need to get my hair cut and my eyebrows done.
Argh! There aren’t enough hours in my life to have a social life as *well* as go to uni. This is why I’ve avoided having a social life until now.