Until the sun comes up…

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So, yes. Last night, as some of you gathered, I was feeling more than a trifle stressed. It actually managed to keep me from sleep – the House auction, Dissertation, my mum and the Motorbike all coalescing in my head and preventing me from any of the release of sleep. Eventually I managed to put it out of my head, but touching on house or motorbike, at the moment, leaves me feeling somewhat stressed. The bike just because it’s one of those: If I’d’ve not noticed the worn brake hose then it’d’ve passed the MOT (probably) and I’d’ve noticed it later and swapped it *once* it was on the road. And doing *that* would have meant I’d’ve taken time over it. And it probably wouldn’t have been a big messy brake-fluid-everywhere shaped disaster.

The house, because I hate not knowing. That and I can’t find the bit of paper with the auction details on. Grr. I’m certain it is on my desk, but I’ve opened out the Disseratation stuff, which needs about 5 times as much desk as I’ve got. And… yeah. Mmm.

The Dissertation, which had me in tears yesterday (huge hugs and puddles of greatful to Chrissy for ringing me and listening to me whining) has retreated to it’s normal level of ‘argh’. I just need to work out how to write it, that’s the thing. I’ve got the information in my head, but every attempt I make at actually writing it, well, it’s messy and clunky and yick. I don’t entirely feel like I know the papers well enough, to be honest, the results are so similar from many of them that they kind of blur in my head.

Anyway. So. I need to get my head out my arse and sort it out, really. I gave myself a good talking to last night. “Useless” my left tit. So. Yeah. Feeling a bit better, although not enough sleep == headache. So I’ve also downed a couple of paracetamol (tylenol) and ‘brufen (it’s the only way I’ve ever found to stomp on my headaches).

And now I’ve killed sufficient time I’m off to hand in my essay. I’ve printed a second copy because, unsuprisingly, the university in their “brewery” and “unable to organise a piss up in” usual  way have yet to put the submission date on the e-submission page. Given that I don’t trust them to coordinate their mouth and thoughts, the concept of trusting them to work out that i’ve submitted the paper copy before the electronic one, well, I fear that it might just be beyond them.

So, yeah, two paper copies. I’ll ‘mail them and say “it doesn’t work” when I get back. Incidentally, is it a bad sign that the only way I can find e-submission on the university website is to go to google and type it in. I can’t find it using the navigation stuff on the site (or indeed the search on the site).

And in other news, this happens tomorrow:

Defend Our Public

Services Demo

Saturday 29th April 2006

Castle Green, 11.30, march to College Green for 12.30 rally



Join with teachers, local government workers, friends, colleagues, neighbours and family on Saturday 29th April to send a clear message to the government………





I’d like to go but I’ve arranged to be in Nottingham, so I’m still a bit undecided. Part of me says ‘ring, do this, then go’ but then I’d not get there until at 4pm – at the earliest. Which would suck (considering I’ve not seen the people I’m going to see for *years*). But… I love the NHS. Meh. We’ll see. Anyway, if you’re in Bristol, and like publically owned schools, council services and hospitals (like me, being a big red commie) then go. Of course the fact I’m planning to bugger off to another country, well… it interferes in my head too. Rat? Sinking ship? Uh hu.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.