Surely you can’t be serious…

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So, yes, ignore my post last night. It turns out to have been a misunderstanding if you read it. Yeah. But huge thanks to Rochelle, Dave and Alexa who made me feel way better; lots of talking anyway. Did me good, probably, in the long run.

I had a lie in today. I shouldn’t have, I now have a cracking headache – as usual – but I did get enough sleep, which is good news. I also managed to produce something actually musical – actually akin to a tune from my guitar. I’ve had so little time to practice recently. Or more accurately, been so tired that practicing’s not been top priority. Or bottom priority. In fact, in general it’s fallen off my priority list. But last night I spent 45 minutes twanging out chord progressions. I’m now trying to learn what notes I’m hitting to make the chords too.


So, that rocked.

Anyway, I’ve been looking at ‘things to take to Canada’; essentially I’ve started to be *lots* more critical about things I was going to take. It dawned on me that my furniture – apart from my bed, dining chairs (and table if I finish it) and the green made-by-my-dad bookcase – can all be flogged off over here. It’s not worth much I shouldn’t think, but hey; why take it. I’ve got no particular attachment to any of it – except the tall-boy and draws; but even they… well, I’d’ve moved them onto garage service as soon as I could replace them with something I want probably.

It frees me to do what I want with my bedroom.

In fact let’s see what we’re thinking of not taking:

– All my furniture, bar as I say my bed (flat-packs anyway); my dining chairs, my dining table and 1 small bookcase.
– My Hi-Fi amp. There’s just no point. Hopefully I can find it a new home.
– Record decks (2x)
– Tape deck, hi-fi tuner. Actually, basically my entire HiFi.
– The CED player.
– The Laserdisk.
– The TV. Depends on whether I can afford a new equivalent (32″ Widescreen / FST) in Canada – my issue is I need a PAL capable set; I noticed that US DVD players weren’t so hot on playing PAL disks; and since the majority of my collection is PAL – well. I may need to take the TV with me. Yes. That’s something else I need to do research on. (Availability of Region Free DVD players in Canada, cost, and whether they output PAL as NTSC… *shudders*). [quick looksie] Terrifyingly, it might actually be cheaper to ship my TV set to Canada than to replace it.
– A lot of my old IT Books
– Most of my older computing stuff. The BBC Micros, etc. Hopefully the RiscPC will hack 110v, but it’s currently under a huge pile of books and CDs *yeah, I use it loads* so I can’t check.

Annoyingly a lot of my power-supplied stuff can come, but is going to need new power supplies, because the UK version is 240v only. How hard is it to build a universal powersupply? Geeze guys.

I guess I own a lot of crap. Most of it’s got to go. I’m starting to plan the sheer quantity of e-bay-age. Technically, my PC’s probably not worth shipping – the monitor probably is, but – well – I probably will rather than piss about trying to buy a new one in a country I don’t know, and before I’ve…got…internet… Oh god. No. Being without internet. *shudders*

I guess occasionally the huge overwhelmingness of the thing, well, it pounces on me and goes ‘what the fuck are you doing?! Are you insane?!’; but it’s something I want to do, and I learned long ago I can do what I want when I set my heart on it.

It’s weird though, I think everone I’ve known who’s moved country has done it to be with someone; except my mum actually; and here I am doing the same thing. It’s a bit… something or other. But I’m doing it for me. I’m doing it because I want to. And yes, that is a good thing, if you ask me.

Of course, it means I’ve got no-one to blame for disasterhood except myself.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.