You know when you’re having a sucky day… it’s when some 80 year old biddy (and yes, I mean that in the most derogatory sense I can come up with) accosts you when you park.
Let’s just make this clear, I didn’t park outside her house, I parked on a street with no parking regulations on it whatsoever. I parked within an inch of the kerb at both front and rear. I left plenty of space for the driveway behind, such that any person with even half an ounce of driving skill should be able to successfully drive out of it.
Having done this, I was accosted by said biddy who told me I was ‘a bugger’ for parking there, and ‘at least I’d not parked as badly as the person in front’… She then went on to complain about how the hospital staff at the RUH *dare* to park on *her* road, and how it was appauling, and how she was “more important” than me because she had to “go out and buy a paper”. Oh my dear god! Had I but realised she needed to buy a paper then I’d not even have considered parking on the road she so clearly pays for the whole entirety of.
Part of the reason I’m so ranty about this is because I was later than intended (or only just going to make it on time if I was quick) so I didn’t have time to beat her with a stupid stick until she fucked off. It’s really annoying. We live right by a railway station, and yes, our road is sometimes jammed full of cars. But somehow we cope. If you live one road away from a hospital with inadequate staff parking in a city country with crap public transport then you just learn to put up with this stuff. Pissing off every passing individual is not the way to deal with it. If it wasn’t further away from the hospital than I normally park I’d be sorely tempted to park outside her house every fracking day just to wind her up.
Then I got to my Work Based Learning Day. Last night, as you might have noticed, I wasn’t in the best of moods. I was feeling lonely and not just a little down. So I stayed up chatting to people; this meant that this morning I was very very tired. Possibly even outright exhausted. I got to my WBLD and I got there on time.
However, I wasn’t feeling very chatty and didn’t have anything to greatly add in terms of ‘reflection’ – I reflect quite nicely by myself thankyouverymuch. If I’ve got something to share, I will, but I’m not just going to ramble for the sake of it. So the break approaches and people are leaving and the facilitator, who by some unfortunate freak of bad luck ended up sat next to me, turns to me and says “You’re very quiet today”, to which I said “Yeah, generally am”, because, frankly I didn’t feel like expanding on it to which she said “I’ll have to pick on you when I get back” (the phrase ‘pick on you’) was definately in there.
Given my whole history of being bullied and what I went through when I first started at university this time round (the place feeling like a school, me feeling incredibly uncomfortable to the point of distress (predates this itteration of my journal, if anyone’s desparately interested I’ll see if I can fish it out of my old GreyMatter journal)) and my general mood today it was *really* not what I wanted to hear.
I don’t *like* her, to be honest. I’m sure she’s a great person but she doesn’t tally with my whole opinion of how WBLDs should work, and I feel like she’s overly critical of people in the group’s opinions. For a facilitator she damn sure seems to go that step further into leadership. And I know we’re a weak and wooly group who kind of need leadership. But… yeah… anyway. Enough ranting.
I just really didn’t need it.
Anyway, I’ve got home and failed to do anything. Work? No. E-mail? No. Going to see if I could find that wood I wanted to make frames out of? No. Bloody useless tart I am – at least, I can be. Where’s my energy gone today? Anyway, in the realms of not working, the L-Word S3E3 has arrived, so I’ll watch that I think :-)