Picture the scene, I’ve been up about half an hour, and my brain informs me that I really ought to get moving. So I faff about a bit, and eventually get it together, jump in the shower dry my hair quickly and get dressed. I’ve got a Basic Life Support session at 11 this morning, I really can’t miss it because it’s mandatory before you go into practice.
So, I piss about, up and down the stairs… I’ve forgotten a pen. Oooh, I should take a magazine in case I get there early… where’s my pad? Ack, it’s just loose paper, I need a folder… etc.
Finally, I get out the door, hop in Rebecca, turn the key. She starts, first time :-)
The clock is still going too, it’s not right, but that’s because I’ve not yet set it, but I’m starting to consider the option.
I drive in listening to the ever irritating Chris Moyles. I’ve got an old radio, of the tune-manually variety; and no presets, so since I like Radio 1 all the time *except* friday nights and when Chris Moyles is on, then Radio 1 tends to be where it sits. I endure queuing. I discover that in an attempt to make studying at UWE as a nurse as tediously irritating as possible the council have now painted yellow ‘no parking’ lines down every single residential road near the university. That’s nice. I know the locals hate students parking outside their houses, but surely they’d hate not having nurses more?
Anyway, I find a space, and now, worrying about time I start walking in. Check my watch, it’s okay, it’s only half 9. Ack! I’ve not got my ID card! Panic! Look at watch, can I make it home and back in time… no, no way. Half an hour… I could *just* make it but I daren’t try. Not with the parking games.
So, I walk on in. Half way in I suddenly announce to the world “Ah! No! I’ve got it”; which must have seemed very impressive, like some genius realising the secrets of the Earth; but instead it’s me; I’ve remembered that I put my ID card in my bag.
Clever! See.
So I get in, and I sit by the room. I start reading, I’m still 20 minutes early…. It gets to five minutes to 10 and I think, “what the hell? I can’t be the *only* one”. Then I start to get a bit panicky. Ah, I can’t check my diary… because (our survey said) it’s still sat on my desk.
I look around my bag, maybe I’m in the wrong place… here’s my purse. Ahhh 20p, I can make a phonecall home, hollar, get Trey to answer the phone and quickly check my diary. Walk to the phone… No, it now has minimum call charge 30p.
So, I’m half way through the door towards Reception; my plan is to go ask them where the BLS session is when that small useful part of my brain, that part that clearly wasn’t woken up by the almost half-litre of Moose Mug Coffee this morning, that bit of my brain reminded me that it was at 11, not 10. So I’ve got to university an hour and a half early. Frack!
I also have brought with my: Blank paper. A ring binder. Pens. A Calculator. A 3/4 read copy of Curve magazine. My Basic Life Support CD-ROM test results. And that’s it.
I am now bored. Poot.