Adrenaline Junkie

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So, having managed to stop hyperventilating (only joking) and calmed down enough to exhibit slightly less of a huge and unadulterated stress response I…well. I watched kids in the hall. I stared at that assignment for a bit, but I still couldn’t actually concentrate enough to do anything about it. So, then I moved onto watching Kids in the Hall. Then, having done that, I moved on to trying to find the fracking DiMage software. Minolta don’t seem to want to share at the moment, I’m hoping their technical support won’t say “go spend $40 on Version 2”; I don’t really want any photo processing stuff, I just need something to convert the photos from the thing into the sRGB colour space. I’ve looked, and I can see what people mean, the colours just are ‘a bit crap’ without doing it.

Blah. Still stressed.

So then I managed to calm down enough to look at the NP5 (Nursing Practice 5) requirements (very relaxing).

In addition to all the work I’ve scheduled, it appears that very little of the learning requirements for NPs 3 and 4 carry through. I need to sit down and spend an hour or two picking out those bits which can – and reprint them with the correct or extended NP5 code on them. This is a pain. At least some of the NP1 and 2 stuff carried through to 3 and 4. I guess it’s there, but I’m stressing about the whole new work environment / new people thing.

I don’t know why. I *work* with new people every day; the patients. I work as a bank nurse, and that’s fine. But a new placement is, to me, just like starting a new job. And I hate starting a new job.


I’ve not practiced guitar today or yesterday either. I won’t get home ’til, probably 10:30 and I need to get up at 5:30 tomorrow. So I’ll be going straight to sleep when I get home. I know that there’s a pile of adrenaline surging through my veins making me feel so fracking ansy. It’s just *ARGH* kind of levels.

In other news, for those who remember the hideous road monitoring suggestions, it appears my MP’s on the same side as me; so Ra on that. Got a letter from the Houses of Parliament (nothing like interesting post to make you feel important, eh?) with a ‘I’m very concerned too’ letter – and a ‘I will contact you further when I’ve got the response from the home secretary’.

Oh, yeah. Rambly I know. Last night I watched two programmes actually live, on TV (actually I watched ‘Invaders’ the night before too, which was good). Anyway, apart from the fact C4 seem to have switched their advert scheduling to ‘more annoying’ and thus ‘less likely I’ll keep watching’ (not an effective solution) the programme Root of all Evil last night was, well, interesting. Richard Dawkins is not the best person to present it, but since I’m pretty much in agreement with him on this point I kind of overlooked that – I realise that the problem is, he’s unlikely to maintain contact with those who should watch the programme, because they’ll be all outraged by him.

But, still, if you can overlook that it’s definately worth watching, should it become torrentable.

And secondarily, you should watch Life on Mars, if you can lay your hands on it. I was a bit unsure; the BBC’s history with these sort of shows is a bit… varied. But it was so well played, and you’re never sure what’s truth and what’s not, and when it’s his mind playing tricks on him. Or the outside world finding it’s way in. Anyway, it’s bloody good, and I’m *really* looking forward to the next episode.

Anyway. I should go start thinking about lunch and dinner (have to take both to work with me).


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.