So, I bought a 200Gb SATA drive. Probably shouldn’t have done, but hell, it was 3 quid more than the nearest price non SATA drive. So I thought I’d be all new and spangly.
…it never occured to me, not as I hit that order button, that they have a different *power* cable. The bizzarest thing is it’s not like it uses any other voltages, or the drives any smaller (maybe there are variants which are smaller, I guess) but it… well… Couldn’t they just have used a floppy drive power cable? It’s about the same size and it already exists…?
Of course the bizzare thing for me is that I used to *be* in IT and I’d’ve looked at some pillock who’d done what I’ve done today with that special kind of distain reserved for mere mortals. But here I am going ‘gah, what a moron‘ to myself. Fortunately, I need to go on a spending spree and buy some food and some printer cartridges tomorrow. So I can pick one up (in the enjoyable pre-xmas rush) then.