…I’ve finally got around to seeing Serenity. My god, it’s fantastic. They need to make the prequel (ideally as another series) though, I *need* to know how they get to where they are at the start of the film, from where they are at the end of the series.
And watching it having seen the series makes it so much more painful; I suspect. Because you *know* characters…
But I shan’t say any more…
Also, I’ve downloaded the American Edit album (David Gray), it’s fucking excellent. Go, fetch it now, ignore that cease and desist and listen to another fantastic album. Incidentally, ccc have put up 18 tracks, I’m not sure which ones are old and new, but I need to go looksie :-)
I’ve also been very good, I’ve been reading papers (dissertation work) – organised my dissertation meeting (well, he rang me, but anyway), eaten salad and grapefruit for lunch, and managed to contact the person who arranged a lecture whilst I was away so I get sent the stuff that I need for my next placement. *shiny*.