Okay, so Trey likes these. I’m not exactly 100% on Harleys, shall we say. In fact, if I’m honest, of all the bikes I’ve been rude about, Harley’s are probably saved first place only by ‘sports bikes’ and the CG125. I’ve kind of got to a stage where, because I love Trey, and she loves Harleys, I’d decided to (eventually) get one – fer Trey to pillion.
But then I remembered the Harley Compatible (well, really it’s a BMW compatible ;) ); and I think that I could quite love a Ural, or Urinal as they’re affectionately known to me.
Of course, this does not look like work. That’s because I’m eating lunch. I’ve been to Sainsburys and bought a salad I can only describe as ‘not being to my taste’*
I’ve also managed to wash 4 loads of Laundry, Lauren’s towels are about to go back in (she forgot to start the machine this morning) so they’ll be done and dried…
…tidied the lounge, cleaned the kitchen (bar the floor, which I’ve swept but not washed), sorted the recycling, discovered that there’s something in the run-off on the Beatles Sgt Pepper album (does everyone else know that already?), cleaned the office enough to make it possible to actually *see* the desk and now I’m going to run round with the hoover and start reading GLBT Papers. Woot.
* Techincally I could also describe it as ‘revolting’ ‘disgusting’ and ‘oh holy crap, I must write this down so I don’t buy it again’; also the look on my face as I struggle through eating it is probably ‘a picture’, fortunately my webcam is off.