’tis time for the grand holiday write up, complete with (lots of) photos.
So, I went to Wales, Snowdon to be more precise, Pen-y-pass to be even more accurate, for the weekend. We took 233 photos, between us. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
Anyway, having pruned out the duplicates, the completely blurry, and the awful we were down to a mere 191. Now, having trimmed that down further I’m here to present to you the staggering 28 which I deem to be worthy of my time to lovingly reduce in size, and have selected for your personal delectation. Or whatever.
I’ve even made a panorama, so I just rock.
Anyway, below

So, this are Trey, very wet, walking up Cwm Merch (I think) – we just pulled over, having reached near our destination and decided to go for a walk up a small mountain. It rained. Lots. It had been raining all day, but that didn’t stop it being beautiful…

Oh look, it’s wet (but pretty).

Annnyway, we eventually got wet enough, then decided to head to the hostel, put our boots and stuff in the drying room, and cook something. Having realised we’d not taken any cooking oil (or milk for breakfast) we ‘fryed’ the quorn sausages in…. nothing. They came out okay though, and dinner was shockingly yummy for a 64p sachet of Thai sauce.
Next day, despite the continuing rain we decided to head some of the way up Snowden; taking one of the alternate routes from Pen-y-Pass up the north side of Craig Llyn Teryn (or possibly the north east slope of Cwm Beudy Mawr, or the North slope of The Horns, depending on how you read the map :-) ) until the path meets up (sort of) with the Miners Path and then heading back down (unless we changed our minds).
And so, here we are going…up:

And here’s the view, as we crossed the ridge, down to Llyn Llydaw…

And to save Trey from being the first to post at least one of the embaressing pictures of me, here’s me:

No, I have no idea what I was doing.
Because of the rain (which had actually more or less stopped, at least in Welsh terms) as we crossed the ridge; the path was still – at points – a stream…

But it was still gorgeous

(there’s a bigger version if you clicky on the picture)
That’s Llyn Llydaw in a roughly stuck together panorama :)
The weather by now was being shockingly good to us…

But the path was still a stream. In fact, here it was a waterfall and as I perilously crossed, perched on two unstable rocks, my not-very-waterproof-Head-boots trying to avoid the several-inch-deep-water, my beloved says “Take a Photo Kate”.

More prettyness and general us photos:

And of course, my hat, it looks like a tit…

That azure blue reservoir looked so inviting…

And some of the rocks needed a bit of cheering up…

Probably about half way down, we came across some truly impressive ruins. There’ve been mines and levels all over Snowdon (and Wales), and we’d encountered quite a lot of smaller abandoned buildings, but this was truly impressive. So much so that Trey began to rap:

Which was particularly clever of her, because no-way would we go inside such a place…

Eventually though, after splashing about in puddles, hugging rocks, scrabbling down scree and generally having an all round excellent time, we got back to the hostel where they plied me with free Cider. Who knows what they were after…

The next day, Monday, it was time to pack up and start the long weary journey home. But first, we had to take some shots of Rebecca on the mountain. It’s traditional:

Sadly, on the way home – at Beddgelert – Fate was unkind and dealt us a cruel blow; we were confronted with The Squirrel of Doom. This evil animal has held Beddgelert in it’s evil thrawl for time immemorial. How to defeat it? We don’t know, all we could do was run, screaming back to the car and drive swiftly onto the Grave of Gelert. Killed by the Squirrel, I suspect, this dog’s legend is the stuff of myth.

Trey’s training technique with dogs needs some work however, this one melted at her firm use of “Bad Dog”

The Squirrel has clearly warped the minds of the people of Beddgelert, what other excuse could there be for this:

Finally, we headed to Dolleglau (which is probably spelt wrong, but I’ve not got my map), which has the *best* pay and display carpark I’ve ever been to:

The victims residents of Dolleglau clearly have a few issues though. Although I was tempted by the ‘Can of Minerals’ offered by their fine family restaurant, I decided that in the end, a simple milkshake would suffice rather better…

And then…time for home: