So, the fucked up and failed to send me a record. I complained. No reply. Then I complained though paypal, and y’know what, I got a single through the post today… accompanied by *another*, free, single. Woot!
Of course, the one problem is despite 300k of resistors, it’s still distorting. I’m beginning to consider that the ‘phono’ input on that amplifier is no-such-thing, but instead a proprietory phono intended only for whatever record deck was meant to be with it.
At any rate, I’m picking up a freecycle Denon amp this evening, I hope, so that might rock.
I also picked up my prescription, I’d forgotten to collect it on Saturday, so yesterday was conducted at half dose. Fortunately my lecture finished at 1130 so I was able to pick up my tablets and have my morning one. Sanity rules! :-)
I’ve got enough of my state sponsored drug habit to take my nice shiny drugs to ‘merkia. They’re not interesting drugs, just maintain my endocrine system in some degree of a useful state; and kill my allergies a bit. I’ve only got one pack of the allergy tablets which is annoying. £19.50 for flipping tablets. Nominal prescription charge my *arse*.
Actually, I didn’t feel too bad for missing one tablet. Meh. Might be worth cutting down for the sake of my knackered liver
And yeah, so, I watched the second half of the second season of Battlestar Galactica today, the bastards!
So, yeah, bloody hell that was good.
Who are the other 8 cylons? istr from Season one that the Sharon variant of the cylons wasn’t ‘well regarded’ by the other cylons, presumably because of its tendancy to wander off and do its own thing. But she’s now a really interesting character.
It’s also interesting too to see how and what is shared between the cylons. They’re obviously not always reporting back their knowledge, or experiences. The cylon that normally inhabit’s Gaius’s head didn’t know about the prisoner aboard the Pegasus, and yet Sharon can remember things seen by another Sharon. Why?
That whole thing with the abuse, that made shivers run down my spine. Scary, really scary. Fucked up scary stuff.
What’s going to happen between Galactica and Pegasus? I’ve read that the original cut of that final episode was 90 minutes, as opposed to the 44 minutes that aired. I really really want to see the full version of that episode. You knew that there was going to be a collision between Adama and Cain, but on the scale that it appears to be happening…? Will they attack each other?
I was suprised to see that season 2 was only 10 episodes long, so it wasn’t entirely shocking to discover that it’s only the first half of the second season I’ve seen. Anyone know when they’re showing the second half of the second season. I’ve heard 2k6. This is not what I want to hear.
The Ciccone album arrived Saturday, it rocks. Although I had to pay extra fricki’n postage ‘cos the seller hadn’t paid it all, so he put 17p short in stamps on and I get to pay £1 handling charge plus the frickin’ postage. Grrr.