Shock: Kate voluntarily takes break from work

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Well, semi voluntarily. As I said, there are no shifts this month at the UBHT hospitals for HCAs, although there might be if I rung every day – but I need a break.

Emotionally I need time and space.

I’ve got the court case this month – I’ve got piles of university work – and my dad is very very sick and I’m going to go back home soon to spend time there. So. Break. I. Need. A. Break.

And rather than wait for Trey and my Friends to beat me into submission on the matter – I’m voluntarily taking one. Yesterday, despite the crapitude of the day (in general) I sanded down a large portion of the top of the table. I’ve not finished but I’ve done at least 1/3, which isn’t bad since I’m doing it by hand. I’ve (though I know I shouldn’t have, but I need cheering up) got some stuff to stain it and the chairs. I decided (post discussion with Lauren and Trey) to stain it – two colours – one on the border edge and one on the central panels – hopefully maximising use of it’s veneer without it looking too much like a piece of post-war salvage. Decades of abuse don’t seem to have harmed the wood too much, thankfully. Although there was a burn mark (sanded off) and there is a chip in the veneer.

Anyway, I think it’s going to look okay when it’s done :-)

And then there’s the painting. I did my ‘painting’ yesterday – I’m actually quite proud of it, it’s my working of someone elses idea – and I think it’s cool. So that needs hanging up :-)

And then I watched a bunch of episodes of Hustle… Well, a couple.

And today? Today I’ve been swimming (around 15 uneven lengths) and out taking photos. I’m going to continue that theme for the rest of the day… after lunch I’m off to Brizzy North to take some pics of the Baths – and you know what, I feel human. I feel like a person with a life, not just a conglomeration of university, work and desparate bill paying.

This is above all a good thing.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.