Okay, they’re not abandoned, but looking at some of the interior detail you’d be hard pushed to tell. Here’s my photoshoot from Bristol North Baths; alledgedly they’re due to close next month, which will leave me deeply pissed off.
They’re beautiful – and as you can see – they’re pretty much exactly the way they were built. I’ve not included the shots, but it’s still got it’s chimney and boiler rooms from way-back-when. Also, a detail I noticed while swimming is the original ‘Emergency Exit’ painted signs still adorning the walls above the newer cubicles.
And some interior shots… and no, the duck was not planted, that’s where I found it.
And finally, some interior details:
I like your pool pictures very much….any chance you’ll get one of the excellent chimney round the back?
It’s a massive pain they want to shut it down, not least because my partner Jo works there ( it was her who put that duck on the pillar a while ago!)
Great photos though!
I’ve tried to get some shots of the chimney but not been very happy with anything I’ve done. I’ll probably nip round and give it another shot…
And Thanks! I’m really pleased with the pictures… :-)