Ahh, a relaxing day on holiday.

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So, I was a bit slow getting going this morning. Sanding the table yesterday really took it out of me. I’ve only got one more ‘leaf’ to go; and the frame. Then it’s on to stain-and-varnish (‘ray!).

So, taking a break from that this morning I instead…

– Drove to the bank. Paying in cheques in USD from Russian people requires a form more than worthy of the 140 quid my parents will be getting (minus p+p).
– Drove to university, passing the Rolls Royce factory I wanted to take photos of before they did what they’ve done. Demolished it. Bollocks. Still, there’s still the Phoenix building, I’m considering ringing / writing / asking for access (Oi, Nikki, John, y’interested?).
– Handed in my give me money form to the Uni (Ahh, NHS Petrol reclaim).
– Drove back to my house and walked from there to the local doctor, to hand in a letter, before walking to the post office to get stamps and send of my car insurance ‘agreed value’ and inland revenue forms.

On the way back I was rung by Nikki who was waiting outside my house, in preparation for going to North Bristol Baths to take some pictures…

So, John, Nikki and I headed down to North Bristol – to take advantage of a short break in the swimming. And…. I became more horrified that it’s scheduled to close. I’ve not met anyone who thinks it should – and it’s incredibly complete. It’s even still got it’s original ticket booths – still with their shutters. All they’ve done is locked them shut and put a coke machine in front of them…

It’s so complete; still with it’s chimney; and it’s incredibly popular (it’s the second most popular pool in Bristol) – perhaps because it is just what it says it is. It’s a swimming pool, not a leisure pool. Apparnently the staff think it’s listed; I’m vaguely pondering finding out.

Anyway, having burned though [most of a] film, I discovered that my ISO400 – out of date – salvaged from my dad’s camera before we sold it – film I’d rewound too much. So… I didn’t disappear through the little door that they mentioned I should go take pictures though (‘doh! I forgot I had my digicam). Anyway, I then headed into town, dropped off the photos. Klick definately aren’t as cheap as they used to be; but having walked there I decided to drop the photos off anyway; and got them to retrieve the over-rewound end of the film.

So… on my way home I went via the Horfield Regeneration Project – where they’re demolishing and rebuilding an entire estate – the current houses have been affected by concrete cancer (I’d been wondering, it seemed a horrifically wasteful thing to do but that explains it!).

At any rate, it’s a very odd place to walk around. Kids laughing and running around… Dereliction everywhere. Mmm. So I quickly finished off that film of my dad’s (I hope I’ve not re-exposed any of his photos). So that also needs to go in for developing… soon, really, given that it’s already out of date.


So now I’m trying to find the energy to get changed and go and sand some more. I’ll wear gloves today though; ‘cos my hands feel like… well like I’ve been sanding. Blah.


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.