Tonight, all things being equal I shall finally make it to meet the local Morris Minor Owners Club. Technically I have no right to go out considering the appauling lack of work I’ve put in today. I’ve managed maybe 2 hours work through the day, I just don’t seem to really be able to get started.
But at any rate, I’m going to go anyway. Assuming the stuff with my housemate is done. Fortunately I’ve got a takeaway chinese to eat for dinner (from yesterday) thus alleviating the need to cook. It does mean though that for four days out of the past 7 I’ve had sweet and sour chicken balls for a meal (I have half the takeaway the first day, then microwave and have the second half the next day).
I need to go and chek the suspension on Rebecca, and ensure that it’s not all come apart in the last few miles (it should be checked about 100 miles after replacement, I think I’ve done about 200…. oops).
What else? Oh, aye, I want to take some photos of the underside; I’ve been chatting to this new mog owner, and she’s trying to learn what all the structural parts are and is encountering something I went through (and still sometimes go through) – the “okay, what is that called” syndrome. So, I’m thinking a few labelled photos…. Only problem is once I started thinking about it it got wayyyy complicated (well, you need an enlargemnent of some bits, like drain holes)….
So, uh, I think I’ll also be learning about databases; but I’ve just found a handy site about setting up a database driven website. So, yeah, looks like the magic is going to be here…. just don’t hold your breath, although given my distractedness…..