Hhhhh fuck my life, millenials are turning out in low numbers for early votes. I’ve seen several of you that have already voted but please, if you haven’t then go *before* the rush next Tuesday. You will lose less sanity and be less overwhelmed, if people try to bullshit you on ID shit you have more time to get what you need, the lines aren’t so long you can’t get your vote in, it’s all-around a much better experience.
If you don’t like Hillary, hold your nose and pretend it’s Bernie. We need Bernie-level turnout here and even Bernie has said it. Vote Hillary so Bernie has a shot at enacting some serious reform in the Senate. He can do amazing things in the Senate if he’s backed by other Senators and a President that leans liberal.
*gets down on my knees and prays to any gods that can hear me*
If you are in line before your polling place closes, poll workers have to allow you to vote. If you roll up at one minute before your polling place closes and are in line, they *have to* let you vote.
They will take your name down, while you are in line, so they know who showed up before they closed and who didn’t. They’ll use that to authorize you to vote even though technically your polling place is closed.
If there is a poll worker telling you that since your vote wasn’t cast before closing time that you can’t vote, they are impeding upon your right to vote and you have every right to report them for impeding your vote. If you are there before closing time, you can vote. No such thing as lines being too long to vote, so long as you show up at all before closing.
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