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gallusrostromegalus: gaol-is-ceol: celteros: The Greek historian Polybius (206-126BC) was so impressed by the clamour of the Gallic army and the sound of their war horn,…
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starfieldcanvas: toastyhat: one of my favorite tropes is when your group of main characters has been split up for questioning and they’re all answering the…
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Article: The case for the not-quite-pristine egg

Article: The case for the not-quite-pristine egg baldbabybird: biodiverseed: A great article on using vaccines in poultry for salmonella prevention (instead of industrial washing): washing…
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thehighpriestofreverseracism: So I’ve been overwhelmed by the black panther comicon appearance and I’ve been dwelling on how revolutionary the black panther movie is going to…
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diseasedwits: meisterj: Remember when Disney was all like ‘fuck how races work and homogeneous casts and couples’? Black and white couple produce fillipino-american child. White…