…I thought I’d struggle to get in the USA, Rosehip tea wasn’t one of them.
Now I know, if we go to the right grocery store, we’ll find it. I have faith.
But it’s my go-to bed-time comfort-tea. And we’ve not got any. And we’ve been to about 4 stores, and none of them have had it. It’s becoming a quest.
And I’ve got a cold. So I want my go-to-comfort-bed-time-cozy-snuggly-tea. *sulk*.
I’ve also spent the day not buying things on e-bay (or cars.com, or craigslist) which is a dubious past time that leads to temptation*. And temptation leads to…
…yeah. So, I have to be careful.
On the plus side, despite lurgee, I’ve managed to finally stop playing voicemail ping-pong and actually caught the person I was aiming to catch, and have now arranged a second interview for next week. Ra! (TerrifiedRa!).
* Look! The ungodly offspring of a Range Rover and a Morris Marina! That clearly should be on our drive. What’s that you say? A Commuta-Car! Fuck yeah! Need that right away. Oh, poor little DS… I hear your cries… I’ll look after you… Gaaah.
And that’s before we’ve even got to test equipment… Or stuff for the business…