Oh, I DO have a picture of the chimbley! This is a few days ago. Yesterday I took off the bulk of mortar from the second ‘tier’.
You can kinda see how irregular it is – there’s a gap between chimney and wallboard I stuffed sound insulation in and need to trim over, but there’s also a place near the ceiling where the whole thing jumps almost an inch to the left! That and the fact that I didn’t realize I should take the drip caps off means the places I have to hide with trim are really irregular, but I have a plan for that. You also can’t really see that there’s a place in there where they apparently realized too late that they hadn’t planned things right and they just mortared a red brick in there.
The pipe with the yellow handle is the new gas line, running down into the cinderblock for the gas fireplace insert. The thing hanging off the handle is a headlight, which you should have if you own a house ‘cause they’re totally handy.
Actually you should just have on anyway. That way you’re prepared to both see hands-free in the dark and act out any bizarre miner fantasies you may have.
Oh, and the folded cardboard is there because Calliope loves to dig in insulation and if I don’t block it off she’ll pull all the fluff out of the hole over night.
She’s very industrious.
Seconded on the headlamps; they’re awesome, although I don’t know where mine have gone… and I doubt my dad’s proper miner’s lamp will hold a charge anymore, considering it’s never been charged in my lifetime….