Hi, I’m 25 and debating starting male-to-female HRT. However, I’m scared that HRT won’t help me at all. It seems like HRT does so little after puberty, especially by the time one gets in their 20s. I’m really scared that I’ll just end up being someone in a male body, but with breasts. Is there anything you can say to someone having this fear? Thank you, and sorry, I suspect this is a silly question.
Actually, the claim that HRT doesn’t do much after puberty is a myth. I started when I was 31 years old and now I’m 35. =)
It’s never too late to transition!
Yeah, anon, have you seen my timeline? I started at 29.
It’s never too late.
Seriously, I transitioned at 39 and I’m 41 now. Hormones are magic whatever your age and while some things stay, many things change and it’s been totally worth it for me.
OMG!!! I love seeing posts like this. The hope it inspires. especially in girls like me, is unprecedented. Thank you!
I have a dear friend who started HRT even later – in her fifties! And it was still totally worth it to her. :D (Sorry, pics are not mine to share. But she looks lovely!).