I’ve been away a lot lately, I know. I should keep you better informed on my life.
Today I spent the morning and early afternoon cleaning the clogged bowels of an elderly and poorly designed kitchen drain system, using the whole 15 feet of plumbing snake and covering myself in such unutterable…
If it makes you feel any better, or at least, less bad about your current universe; our boxing day was finished off with the discovery that wool moths had made their home in Kathryn’s balls of yarn. So at 23:00 at night we were hoovering and attempting to sort/bin/freeze-the-salvagable ones.
…which was probably not great for our relationship with our neighbours, but given the number of eggs/cocoons we weren’t going to leave it. And also has led to us, for the foreseeable future, being totally paranoid about any small bit of dirt or fluff we find.