Achilles (left) and Ajax, playing a dice game, waiting for departure for Troy.
Work of Exekias, detail from an Athenian black-figure amphora from Vulci of Italy, around 540-530 BC- Vatican Museum, Rome.? ???????? (????????) ??? ? ????, ??????? ??? ???????? ?? ?????, ???????????? ??? ??????? ??? ??? ?????.
???? ??? ??????, ??????????? ??? ???? ???????? ??????????? ???????, ??? ?? Vulci ??? ???????, ???? ??? 540-530 ?.?. -??????? ?????????, ????.“Dude, you totally minmaxed this character. There is no way you should’ve been able to hit on a natural two. And what the hell is up with your armor? I got creamed, and that dragon could only hit you with a crit. I can’t believe Agamemnon lets you get away with this power gaming bullshit. When we get done with this war I’m gonna ask for a new GM.”
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