Stop: Tea break.

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I continue to maintain my feeling of pride.

My mum’s coming to visit tomorrow; so I’ve spent today tidying and cleaning the office/library/spare-room in which our spare double bed* is located. I’ve emptied, sorted, and prep’d for disposal the contents of our first aid box, which largely consisted of tablets that expired in 2010. I’ve hoovered, recycled, and sorted some books for charity-shop-homes. I’ve finally given in and accepted that I’m unlikely ever to actually read the Yes, Minister and Yes, Prime Minister trilogy, despite having picked it up in hardback years ago. I’ve actually been harsher than I’ve been for a while.

I sense I could get rid of more books if I really tried. Indeed, I think Long Way Round and Long Way Down will go, while I loved the show, the books weren’t that well written.

I even gave in and chopped the cable off my alarm clock that I bought aged 15, and put it in to be recycled. It still worked, but the cassette player door’s been broken for years, and frankly, I don’t use it. I’ve not used it for years. I had it plugged in for a few months occupying space on my bedside table, but I never actually used it as an alarm clock, and eventually decided it was just sucking power for no good reason.

Anyhow, that aside I’ve also moved all the tools back to the garage (±a few odds and sods). I’ve painted the bit of the doorframe to Kathryn’s office that needed painting – so that’s now had two coats and looks pretty respectable. Washed the brush’n all. And removed that final bit of masking tape. There’s a couple of spots up on the ceiling that want touching up, where I managed to get blue over the white (grr).

Kathryn is pleased with the office, which feels much bigger than it did, ‘n I think it’s looking pretty nice, so yay, generally on that front.

I also ran the strip of caulking under the shelves in the hall:


The trim there’s nearly ready to be painted too, so that should come together pretty well. It now matches the rest of the wall (in terms of paint colour) and the whole house is starting to feel more whole. I wasn’t originally planning to caulk under it, but it turned out that there was a fair breeze coming in from under the house (despite being insulated under there); so I decided to throw a strip of caulk down and make it look pretty at the same time.

I also did something which isn’t on the list (well, it is now, just so I could enjoy crossing it off) – I hung the lamp shade in the entryway. Granted it makes the house look a bit like a brothel (it’s red and yellow, to go with the stained glass) but hey, we barely ever switch it on.


I do, at some point, need to install an earth on it, because it’s actually a candle-holder that I’ve modified somewhat. I’d actually like it to have three-core cable, with an earth to the metal of the shade, but I’ve not got any appropriate cable kicking around, so for the moment it’ll have to wait.

Whilst I’ve been dinking at lunch time, I also discovered something I didn’t know existed, and decided I want it. Sadly, I can’t find it for sale anywhere:

Meh, so that’s my news. Now I’m going to go hide in the kitchen and washup.

* A fold-out twin-single-mattress double. I’m amazed it works, but it does :)


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.