So, I potentially have a new job. Nothing confirmed yet. Not handing in my notice until I’ve got it written in old fashioned…errr…laser toner on dead tree format.
But there it is, I’ve got a new job.
In preparation for this, on Sunday I shall be tootling down to the garage to see if I can resurrect the Kawasaki (possibly on Saturday, it depends on which day other social things are happening). I’ve also, because I am weak and fear the internals of a 1930s three speed shifter, booked the bike into the Cycle Co-Op for them to fix it. In his words ‘incredibly there are still loads of these that still work, so hopefully we can fix it’. Yes, I’m weak, but also I’m time-restricted.
Things to sort also, on the bike front, are lights (it does have a lamp of some sort fitted, but I’d like something of the ‘visible from 500 meters’ sort that I’ve started to see around, a reflector, and… yeah, we should be good to arrive at work exhausted. :)
On the plus side:
Money to be saved – at least £120/month
General improvement in fitness