So, as you may or may not have gathered – radio silence has been more common of late thanks to university and house I suppose – I’m on nights. Night 5 of 8 tonight. Unfortunately, I got woken in that way which means I currently feel faintly dozy and all I want to do is curl up and sleep some more.
There is, however, exciting news afoot. The electrics are now complete, which I think hits the awesome-cool state. And, more excitingly, the kitchen has (started to) arrive. It actually could all be here, it’s all ready, but it’s difficult for us to get it into the house, since there’s no storage in the house, so he’s generously offered to hold onto two(/three)* of the units for a little bit while we get the first two(/three) units in. This is made marginally more complex by the fact that we lent our jigsaw to my mum, who is in Cornwall. It’s a nasty cheap jigsaw anyway, so we’re going to have to get a replacement I fear. I’ve looked on the ‘bay, because a second hand really nice would would be better, I suspect, than a fairly basic bosch/black&decker or whatever’s kicking around.
The problem with buying tools, I find, is that either I’d rather buy really really old ones (better quality) or find myself cursing the idea of buying new ones because we are planning to be in Canada where 240V tools will be useless. Ah well.
I’m still trying to get a decent drill press**, or at least a semi-decent one. I may have to settle for the Ferm one, which I’m sure will be adequate, but isn’t as nice as getting something of ‘better’ quality. I nearly got a rather nice one, but was outbid by 2p. Anyhow. I best get ready for work, since they’re probably expecting me to turn up and all :)
* It’s a cupboard and an L-shaped cupboard/shelf unit. The shelves are separate, but need to be screwed to the cupboard once installed, so I think he refers to them as 3 units, and we as 2.
** For other jobs, not kitchen related.