Incase you hadn’t realised, I’ve now been awake nearly 48 hours. In an hour, I’ll be able to say that out of the past 48 hours I spent 43 awake. And those 5? They weren’t a contiguous block of 5 hours of sleep. That was 5 hours split into an hour, 2 phone calls, 2 hours, [walk 2 miles] 30 minutes (on a train) and then a few hours later roughly another hour and a half of poor quality sleep (on a train). This is, largely, because I’m an ass.
Anyhow, on to the real point of this rambly extra postette. So, we have the electrician lined up, and he’s going to come in on the 4th, we hope. I have discovered today that there are companies making modern bakelite switches, which is entertaining. Not sure what my opinion is, other than they’re painfully expensive anyhow.
Today I’m arranging the plumbers coming in too, which is cool.
I’m also sending back the documents to the structural engineer for a small correction before submitting them for building regs (I’ll wait until Kathryn’s home to check sanity on that).
I also saw a rather fun woodstove in a local reclamation yard today (yes, I shouldn’t have gone in there). It’s definately not a smoke-control approved one, so we could only burn smokeless fuel in it, which would suck, because we can get very cheap wood if we get it when my mum gets hers… Obviously, we then have to lug it back up from Cornwall, but it’s *way* cheaper than local; or of course, we can scrounge wood from skips :)
But not if we have a non-smoke-control burner. Which is upsetting, because it’s quite funky and although I’m not convinced it goes with our fireplaces, I quite like it. Anyhow. The difficulty is finding stoves which are shallow enough to fit on the hearths and look nice. The other option is, of course, inset stoves which aren’t nearly so efficient or effective, but which are definately a potential solution.
Of course, by the time we decide on this, it’ll be properly summer and it won’t matter for another 6 months.
In other news, the Mac is full. I need to move some stuff onto the server, which means moving the server, which I was sort-of planning to do today. But haven’t yet. And I’ve been prompted to have some kind of nap, which is increasingly appealing. Anyway, apart from my failure to ring the police about the sofa (tomorrow, I think) and chase the guttering person (again, tomorrow I feel). I think it might be time to lie down and see what a nap brings.