Incredibly, I woke up at a sensible time this morning and despite feeling a bit like death microwaved hauled myself out of the bed just in time to say bye to my beloved as she headed off for work. Unsurprisingly despite a series of promises to myself to watch an episode of Caprica and start work on the house, I didn’t quite manage that. I watched an episode of Caprica, dinked on the internet for 20 minutes, watched Top Gear (which I never watch, but wanted to know what had wound Nikki up so much) and *then* set to work.
Still, that has not negated my feeling of positive achievement, because I have:
– Retrieved the desk fan from the attic, which is enabling me to stay a sensible temperature.
– Sanded the filler in the skirting board, and put a new layer of filler on the bits that weren’t that great – next job, incidentally, is to sand the new filler…
– Removed the old tile adhesive from where I had to take the floor up (ready for the new floor)
– Hung and filled the lounge door. Let’s just hope no-one closes it when viewing the house, not because it doesn’t close, but because it’s a good 6 mil smaller than the frame :(
– Washed and hung up some laundry
– Uncovered the plants in the garden that live sheltered lives (slug protection, y’see)
[Made and eaten lunch!]
– Measured the wood for the replacement section of boxing in the bathroom
– Measured the fillet strip beside the door (where the plaster’s knackered from having the new front door fitted (before I arrived).
– Walked to B&Q and purchased a selection of stuff, including wood
– Cut the bit of the fillet strip that I couldn’t get cut at B&Q
– Attached most of the fillet strip, except the bit where the plaster wasn’t merely rough / cracked but as actually no longer attached.
– Made tea (because it was frackin’ hot on that walk to B&Q).
Which brings me to the moment I’m currently enjoying in which the fan is wafting air at me and my tea is slowly cooling to drinking point.
What are you all up to today? That’s the question…