So far, my plan to escape Slough has been hit by a succession of snags which delay and delay and just f*cking delay.
My registration had lapsed, despite the agency I work for making me do a mandatory training update (waste of my life, which appears to be what every one else wants to do with it). And I can’t just ‘reactivate it’ which is what I was told initally. Oh no. I have to go through the full and complete application process again. Which means CRB check, again. They’ve also taken exception to the most useless piece of mandatory training in all of christendom*, which, they’ve declared, I have not done sufficiently recently.
This of course delays the process. I can’t be interviewed because my manual handling’s not up-to-date. I need to go to work and find out when I can do manual handling, ideally on a day when I’m already in work, because otherwise it’s going to suck. All of this delays departure – and delays me getting into the routine of regular agency which I’d really like to do.
I’m feeling so shockingly negative at the moment – and I don’t mean to be – but really Canada, the Senior Position, the Court case, and now this? I’m just totally and utterly fed up.
* At least, in A&E. In all honesty, nearly all of the Mandatory training I’ve been to told me things so exceptionally obvious that I’d fear your ability to breathe while moving if you screwed it up. Over many years, I think I’ve managed to acquire a few neat tips from Manual Handling – but mostly, in all honesty, it’s pretty obvious.