So, posts have been a bit scarce of late, lots of stress, lots of busyness, not much time for work. The house is covered in a fine film of white dust, as builders have been variously:
– Putting in missing joist hangers, that the lousy last builders failed to put in. The old builders claimed that the joists were firmly abutted to the wall, and hadn’t moved, so they felt that it was fine. On opening the flexi-floor, we found that the shortest joist was an inch from the wall. Either it had shrunk an awful lot in the last year, or they lie like persian rugs.
– Repairing the hole they had to make in the ceiling to put in joist hangers
– Repairing the bathroom ceiling (which was just tatty)
– Removing the artex from the bedroom ceiling (‘cos it was tatty, and we thought we’d have to replace it. We don’t… but it has been patched, and now the entire house is full of artex dust).
All of which makes the house fairly unliveable.
I’m still working on the podcast which is cool :)
And now, bed.