I need to do a variety of things today… need? want? anyhow. It’s not going great so far. The weather is startlingly inclement, it’s gone from serious downpour to sheets of snow, to fluffy sludgy snow all of which really hasn’t enticed me out of the house.
I’ve rung the garage that I was hoping to get to fix Jejy to find that as usual, in Slough, there’s no desire to look at anything beyond what they know. Despite their flier advertising that they specialise in horizontally opposed engines, the fearsome prospect of a DAF – with it’s mere 2 instead of 4 cylinders made them quake in their little boots and proclaim that they couldn’t possibly even look at the damn thing.
Which means I need to get the exhaust off and welded up and see if I can’t tidy her up myself.
I’m sorely tempted to chuck her on e-bay as she is, just to be rid of the sight of her, especially since Rebecca currently seems to be nearing completion. I may do that. I shall contemplate it some more.
I need to do another run of e-baying anyhow. The last lot seems to have gone off quite well – and now there’s another box sat on the kitchen table awaiting my attention. Anyhow, having finally dragged myself through getting dressed, staring at ‘Money Claim Online’ which I might be able to use for my case against the first minor ‘restorers’ (I need to read through it more thoroughly) and rung the useless garage I’m contemplating heading off.
Into the wet.
To buy some paint (& collect a letter, develop some film, pay in some cash, buy some flour, and head home)
To paint some skirting…
So we can have our lounge back, because currently it’s full of scattered shelf contents.