Abandoned from 1904.

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So, on my little journey so to see my classic under restoration I saw this rather lovely 1900s house, next to a canal, and unfortunately next to an active business. It’s definitely been abandoned a good while, because I have vague recollections of seeing it about 3 years ago when I first went up there, and it was pretty much in the state it’s in now.

1904 house

Sorry for the quality of the shots, my posh digital has died, fairly much completely, so I’ve only got my point-and-shoot digital, which is not exactly new, nor exactly in great shape. At any rate here’s some more…

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house

1904 house


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.