As easy as 3.243F6A8885A3

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So, Kate gave me her 2G iphone. Kate is lovely, did I mention that? Battered though its case is, it works perfectly and I’ve been delighting in it’s shininess; even more so now that with the addition of RedSn0w it’s jail broken. The only difficulty was the nice walk-through I found for jailbreaking said phone, such that I can use it with my Vodaphone Payg SIM was a little misleading. It had a link to the wrong firmware, which iTunes, thankfully, said “no, I won’t brick your phone with that”; however a link on the site said “don’t upgrade to iTunes 8.2, it breaks the jailbreaking procedure” – so I whipped out my trusty google and hunted down 8.0.1, or somesuch.

After a bit of a dink it was installed, and informed me that my iPhone had OS3.0 on it and it wasn’t going to talk to an old copy of iTunes, it needed to be upgraded to 8.2

Sensing a difficulty here, I reupgraded to 8.2 and went hunting. I discovered that actually their link was only to the 3G phones, not for the 2G phones, and that’s why it wasn’t working. So then I got the right firmware, and lo, the phone is now available for use. I’m tempted to obtain twitter accounts and twitter away. Only concern is…what might I say when I’m at work…

I also, suddenly had a realisation – I’ve not heard back from the Tax office about my ‘nurses discount’, for want of a better word. Nurse’s pay is, frankly, crap. I listened to some bloke whining about his take-home of 30k (‘a very limited income’) and thought how nice it’d be to earn 30k. Gosh, I could afford to get many things done on that which currently aren’t even a possibility.

Anyhow, suddenly I thought, hang on a minute… I’m meant to be getting some tax back, and realised that I last heard anything about the progress of the claim in April. Slow they are, but this is ridiculous. So I rang them today, there’s a mistake. Apparently they’re having a new computer system installed which means that they’re even less helpful than usual.

I’m now waiting for a call back which they can’t guarantee will be today. Or tomorrow. Or indeed in this lifetime.

Still. I’ll keep poking them with sticks until they give me my money back :-/


Kate's allegedly a human (although increasingly right-wing bigots would say otherwise). She's definitely not a vampire, despite what some other people claim. She's also mostly built out of spite and overcoming oppositional-sexism, racism, and other random bullshit. So she's either a human or a lizard in disguise sent to destroy all of humanity. Either way, she's here to reassure that it's all fine.