So, I spent some time fitting the radio ‘properly’ to the car (there’s a bit of a limitation to how neat it was going to be without damaging the dash, and I didn’t want to do that*). The Rover cassette radio (with presets no less, thanks John!) has been fitted into the ‘standard ISO’ holder -attrocious quality as it was, the wiring held out the way with tie-wraps, and all of it neatly crimped with my new crimping tool (nowt exciting, just a plain ordinary press as hard as you can crimper).
I bought a stick-on glass mount aerial (yes, I know they’re not great, but I really didn’t fancy drilling holes in the bodywork to fit an aerial; and quite frankly, unless it’s roof mounted I think people like to snap them.
The total cost of that little toy? 10 quid.
I need to fix down the speakers at the back – I ‘fitted’ them yesterday but as I said, they’re just resting on the parcel shelf at the moment.
I’m still waiting for the elusive call back from the auto-factor. I’m now 99% certain the parts won’t be arriving today, if he can order them, and in a few minutes I’m going to declare that time’s up and order the bits from Danny in Holland.
It’s frustrating because I could have ordered them this morning and spent the day sorting out the Minor, but instead the whole morning’s been spent doing footling little jobs and watching TV waiting for a phonecall…
…’I can’t get them anywhere’
[thinks: “well why the frack did you not actually call and tell me that?!]
“Oh, that’s okay, I’ll order them from Holland”.
Customer service here sometimes sucks. But at least we can do maths…
* In the end I opted to drill two very small holes (2.5mm) under the dash. Everything else is run through existing holes. Should anyone ever want to make her standard again they just have to weld up two tiny holes and paint over it with black.